Non Surgical Weight Loss Management

Become a healthier you

Combine lifestyle changes with a personalized plan to meet your weight loss goals.

Non-surgical medical weight loss treatments from a medical doctor can provide the safest, and most reliable options for people looking to manage or lose weight.  Our clinic will perform a battery of tests which can include an EKG, blood test, or urine test to see if you have an underlying issue causing your weight gain. 

Upon evaluation with a provider, a diet plan and medication can be issued to help suppress and control your appetite.  The most common medications prescribed today for weight loss are Adipex, Semaglutide, Wegovy, Ozempic, Mounjaro and Tirzepatide.

about our Weight Loss programs

Patients may not use insurance for “weight loss only” programs. Most insurance carriers will not cover weight loss programs unless as part of managing a separate medical condition.

All weight loss programs are for prescriptions – i.e. drugs not available to be administered in clinic

Patients always need an establishing visit with bloodwork (from at least 1 year of DOS) to begin a weight loss program.

All programs are meant to be used in conjunction with lifestyle changes (diet, exercise, etc.)


Contact our scheduling department today to make an appointment.