Allergy Testing

Needle-free testing

Testing for common allergens

This test doesn’t use needles; it uses a special plastic applicator that applies extracts to your forearms or back of the things people are commonly allergic to — pollens, danders, molds, as well as other indoor and outdoor triggers.

This test is done using a multi test applicator which enables the administer to apply eight different allergens to an area at one time. The test is performed within a few seconds with minimal discomfort and there is little to no pain. The environmental testing is a total of 72 allergens while food testing is a total of 48 allergens. 

The latest methods of allergy skin tests involve using disposable plastic devices that feel like  a brush, which are applied on the upper back or on the forearms. They use various testing liquids (allergens) on the tips to check for individual allergies to indoor and outdoor allergens. The  list can include grass pollen, tree pollen, ragweed, weeds, dust mites, dog cat dander, mold, and many more. Once the test is applied, you  wait for 15 to 20 minutes without touching or scratching. The test results are interpreted based on  the size, swelling, and redness around each dot. In the presence of the true allergies, these dots become red and look like mosquito bites.

Quick facts about our Allergen Tests


allergens tested at one time for faster results.


environmental allergens tested in total


food allergens tested in total


Contact our scheduling department today to make an appointment.